The upcoming iOS 17 update from Apple won’t include all of its announced features immediately after the launch. It’s scheduled to be released on September 18 for iPhone models XS and newer, but certain significant features will be postponed and introduced in later versions like iOS 17.1 or 17.2. Internal testing has been ongoing for both the Apple versions, and iOS 17.1 is expected to be launched in the near future, according to information posted on Apple Hub’s X account, which was previously known as Twitter.
Features like the ‘Journal app’ which offers a platform to iOS users to capture memories and events on a day-to-day basis won’t be accessible in the new update to be rolled out today. The app is not merely restricted to text entries, but also incorporates inclusion of photos, audio recordings and music. The app is also programmed to analyse the user’s daily activities on the device and make personalised suggestions based on the same.
iOS 17 will be released on Monday, however, these features will not be available at launch ?
— Apple Hub (@theapplehub) September 17, 2023
Journal app
The upcoming Journal app will allow you to log important moments and memories using photos, music, workouts, and more.
AirDrop transfers over the internet
You will now be…
A ‘Collaborative Playlists’ feature shall also be accessible to Apple Music users but it won’t be available in the September 18 update. This function will give users access to a shared playlist wherein they can add, reorder, and delete songs collaboratively. This feature is a significant step towards the goal of creating a more social and engaging Apple Music user experience.
Another improvement in terms of functionality of the iphone is enhancements in its AirDrop service. Following the update, AirDrop won’t be limited to transferring content only when devices are physically close. Instead, if both the sender and recipient are signed into iCloud accounts, transfers can occur over the internet, even if the devices move out of AirDrop’s range.
Additional iOS 17 features that are expected to arrive in 2023 are using the Tapback menu to react to messages with stickers alongside the introduction of a “catch-up” arrow for group chats within the Messages app.
More components are expected to be included, spanning from a ‘Favourite Songs’ playlist in the Music app to Smart form recognition for PDFs. Besides this, an ‘Audio Focus’ function is also anticipated to make its debut in the Apple Fitness+ category, according to a report by MacRumors. This feature will enable users to opt for either the music or the trainer’s instructions based on their requirements. Apart from this, a new feature allowing Apple ID proximity sign-in when configuring a new Apple device, provided you have a trusted iPhone or iPad nearby, will also be incorporated in the update.
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