1Password Review

1 Password Review

It is crucial for a password manager to be functional across devices to be useful. 1Password fulfils this criteria and allows subscribers to access passwords across multiple platforms through applications. It also hosts powerful features like robust password organisation systems, data breach monitor, multi-factor authentication and much more. This top-notch password manager offers a 14-day trial and does not include a free version.

This tool equips users with a username generator and a free web-based password generator that helps them create customised credentials for each login page. The tool has an annual fee of $35.88 which amounts to approximately $2.99 per month. You can store an unlimited number of passwords alongside syncing them across multiple devices. Users are also permitted to share items in their vault with others. Beside 1GB of encrypted storage, this tool allows users to create and store notes, identities and payment cards as well.

1Passwords Watchtower helps detect old, weak and reused passwords and allows users to update them for enhanced security. Its family plan is priced at $59.88 per year. It comes with five licences and can allow adding more users at a cost of $1 per month. It also has a business account priced at $7.99 per month.

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Authentication and Security

The first step is to create a strong master password which should be unique and tough for others to guess, yet easy for you to memorise. When you open 1Password’s vault for the first time, a pop-up is displayed on the screen that displays your secret key. It is a string of 34 letters and digits which are separated by hyphens and into seven blocks of varying sizes. This key is required when you add a new device or browser extension to your 1Password account.

1Password prepares a download link for your Emergency Kit. This Kit contains a PDF of your account email, Secret Key and some space for you to mention your master password. You can opt to print or save your document, fill in the master password, and either put it into your fireproof lockbox or store it digitally in a secured location. You can visit your account page on the web to download your Emergency kit anytime you want to.

Credential Capture and Replay

A circular icon is displayed in a password or username entry field and 1Password saves the information with every new entry. When you click on this icon, to access 1Password’s menu as and when you need it. If you click on this icon after entering the username, 1Password will autofill an existing login entry. Its browser extension menu allows users to select identities or credit cards alongside generating a new password. 

If you have saved the login credentials for a site, the tool will display recommended credentials once you place your cursor in the entry fields. You simply need to click on the correct login to fill the details. You can simply click on an entry in order to access the site’s login page. Another password manager that offers this similar feature is RoboForm. 

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1Password’s Password Generator

Using this, you can create a smart password that is 20 characters long, has numbers, letters, symbols and mixed cases. Choosing the Random Password option from the dropdown menu allows users to make their password a little longer.

There is also another option known as the “Memorable Password” option that creates a password of english words separated by hyphens. You can also choose your own separators like spaces, commas, numbers, underscores and symbols. The passwords can be up to 15 words in length. It also allows users to create pins that are up to 12 numbers in length. 

1Password allows you to share your login information with others, even with those who do not use the tool. To do so, you simply need to click on the “share” button in the options menu. After that you can generate a link that expires after a single view or during a period ranging from one hour to 30 days. The user can choose if they want to make the link available to anyone or to specific people only.

About The Author

Kumkum Pattnaik
Kumkum's unparalleled love for gadgets is what drives her to research, scrutinize and pen down tech-related content from every corner of the world. Whether it is getting her hands on the latest electronic devices or reading voraciously to find what tech mammoths are up to, she makes sure that her inventory is up-to-date. View More Posts