Mark Zuckerberg, in a Facebook post, unveiled the latest WhatsApp feature that permits users to create WhatsApp groups without naming them. He added that the functionality will be very useful when there are time constraints and naming groups do not lie within the bandwidth of the users.
Additionally, the groups that do not have names will receive a name automatically based on the participants who are within it. For instance, groups having three people named John, Diya and Mark will be dynamically named “John, Diya and Mark”.
According to WhatsApp, the functionality also safeguards user privacy by displaying the group name for each participant differently depending on how they have named the individual in their on-device contact. They will only be able to see your phone number in the group if you are added to one with members who do not have your contact information.
The functionality will be accessible to the general public by early next week. Several new features have been incorporated into the instant messaging platform, like sharing HD photos, editing sent media captions, AI-backed stickers, etc.
In a bid to showcase its privacy initiative, WhatsApp unveiled an immersive 3D anamorphic installation at the Gateway of India in Mumbai. The installation highlights the messaging platform’s numerous security measures and privacy settings.
This is the first-ever 3D anamorphic installation at the Gateway of India and will transform the landmark into a digital experience showing how WhatsApp’s privacy layers work together to a create safe space for private messaging while using creative storytelling and hyperlocal symbols that are synonymous with the city of Mumbai like the black and yellow taxi, red post box, iconic street lamps, and of course the pigeons at the Gateway of India.
Characteristic features of the Meta-owned platform, like end-to-end encryption, two-step authentication, mute for unfamiliar callers, and disappearing messages are prominently displayed in the installation.
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