Generative AI’s popularity has been surging at an alarming rate and companies are increasingly hopping onto the AI bandwagon, WhatsApp being the latest one to do so. The Meta-owned messaging platform is testing a beta version of AI-powere chat stickers that users will be able to create and share. The report from WABetaInfo also highlights that the feature is accessible to only a selected pool of people right now to identify bugs and glitches.
New AI Stickers Prompt in WhatsApp.
— Adwaith Varma (@AVarma2006) August 13, 2023
Users can generate stickers through text-based descriptions. The incorporation of AI-generated stickers will take the customisation and personalisation game to a whole new level as it will enable users to create tailor-made stickers that will be unique.
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The report shared by WABetaInfo displayed a screenshot of the process to generate an AI sticker on WhatsApp. The sticker tab on WhatsApp will feature a “create” button. When the user clicks on it, he/she will be asked to enter a description for the sticker they want to create. Based on the text entered by the user, WhatsApp will provide a list of AI-generated stickers to choose from.
? WhatsApp beta for Android what’s new?
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) August 14, 2023
WhatsApp is rolling out a feature to create and share AI stickers, and it is available to a very limited group of beta testers!
Though the report specifies that Meta has incorporated a secured technology for this feature, there is no clarity on the type of generative AI model that is being utilised for the same. A report from Verge highlighted that the upcoming WhatsApp feature will work along the lines of Midjourney or OpenAI’s Dall-E models which empowered users to create personalised images.
It was also mentioned that harmful or inappropriate AI-stickers would be reported, though the action to be taken against them was not specified. There is a likelihood of a watermark being present on the sticker considering the fact that the sticker will be created by Meta’s AI technology.
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