Though the popularity of Telegram is not at par with that of WhatsApp or Messenger, the number of people who use it on a day-to-day basis is humongous. The Indian-origin application is known primarily for its group and channel-specific features. The application provides access to a wide and diverse array of channels. It also enables users to create their own channels, make video and voice calls, exchange texts and much more.
The Telegram app is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. However, there are certain concerns that are faced by its users regarding app updation. The Telegram channel often gets stuck on updating and does not move forward. To resolve this and fix your Telegram updating issues, keep reading this article.
Why Does My Telegram Keep Updating?
Users of Telegram have complained that the app is unable to exit the “Updating” screen. Users will not be able to view the latest chat messages if the Telegram is stuck on the updating part. Besides this issue, users have also mentioned concerns pertaining to “connectivity” on Telegram. They are unable to view new messages when the connecting status appears on the main screen and this, subsequently heightens the frustration levels of the user.
Common reasons behind “Telegram Stuck On Updating” screen:
- Updates are being installed in the background
- The Telegram server is down
- There is a bug in the version of Telegram that you are using
- Weak or inactive internet connection of the user
To fix these problems and ensure seamless functioning your Telegram app, follow the steps outlined below.
8 Best Ways To Fix Telegram Stuck On Updating
Now that we have discovered the plausible reasons behind Telegram stuck on updating, here are a few methods to resolve the issue.
1. Check Your Internet Connection
If your Telegram is tuck on the updating screen, then it’s time to check id your internet connection is working properly. If the connectivity is slow or unstable, then you will most probably see the ‘connecting’ status instead of ‘updating’. To fix this, ensure that you are connected to stable network. Try setting your Android or iOS on airplane mode and then disable it in order to restore the connectivity.
Also Read: Latest Telegram Update Comes With Shareable Chat Folders, Custom Wallpapers, Etc.
If you are using Telegram on Windows or Mac, try connecting to a high-speed Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection and see if it resolves the updating issue.
2. Check If Telegram Servers Are Down
If Telegram servers are down, you will not be able to use the app on your phone. This instant messaging app, like all other social networking platforms, can experience technical glitches at times. If the servers are undergoing maintenance work, there are chances that you will not be able to access the app on your device. You can visit the Telegram Server Status page at DownDetector and check if the Telegram app is facing any outage at the moment.
3. Force Stop The App
If you are an Android user, then force stopping the app might resolve your Telegram stuck on updating issue. When you force stop the app, all the background processes related to the app will shut down. To do this, follow the steps mentioned below:
- Long press the Telegram app icon on the Home screen and tap on app info
- From the options displayed on the App Info screen, tap on ‘Force Stop’
- Try opening the Telegram app again and accessing your chats
4. Clear Cache and Cookies Of The Telegram App
Corrupted cache files might be the reason behind Telegram stuck on updating. Telegram collects cache and uses the gathered data to improve app performance. If any of the caches are corrupted, it will lead to glitches in the app and impair smooth functioning. To clear cache, follow the steps mentioned below:
- Go to the Telegram App Info menu
- Navigate to ‘Storage and Cache’
- Tap on ‘Clear Cache’
Also Read: WhatsApp Competitor Telegram Rolls Out New Features With Latest Updates; Check Here!
5. Disable the Data Saver Mode
If your Android is on data saver mode, it will hinder the functioning of the Telegram app. So, Android users are urged to disable the data saver mode to fix the updating issue in Telegram. To disable the data saver mode, follow the steps mentioned below:
- Go to Settings and tap on mobile and networks
- Go to Data Usage
- Turn off the data saver mode
- Try logging in to Telegram again
6. Disable VPN or Proxy
If you are using a proxy or VPN on your device, Telegram will not function effectively. You can hide your IP address by connecting to a proxy server. Telegram tries to connect to a server that is far from your actual server and this process might be a little time consuming which can result in the Telegram stuck on updating issue. So, try disabling your VPN or proxy on your device when logging in to Telegram.
7. Update The App
If you are using an older version of the Telegram app, then it might not function properly and you may face issues screen getting stuck at updating. To get rid of this, ensure that you are using the latest version of the app available on Play Store and if not, then update it to use the instant messagin app without errors.
8. Reset Network Settings
Reset the network settings on your iOS or android in order to ensure smooth functioning of the Telegram app. Once you reset the network, you will have to reconnect with the Wi-Fi. Reboot your phone and reconnect to Wi-Fi once you are through with resetting your network. Then try connecting to the Telegram app and check whether it is working properly.
These are some of the proven ways to troubleshoot the Telegram app stuck on updating issue. They will help you fix the errors within the app and access messages for effective communication.
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