Leveraging Instagram Reels In 2024: All You Need To Know

Here Is How You Can Leverage Instagram Reels To Grow Your Brand In 2023.

The digital marketing landscape and social media ecosystem have evolved tremendously following the rise of short videos. The creation and consumption of videos have skyrocketed, and social platforms have leveraged the trend by the inclusion of exceptional features. A report by Statista bears testament to the popularity of videos stating that approximately 3.5 billion internet users streamed or watched downloaded videos in 2022. The number is projected to grow to 3.5 billion by 2024. In a bid to stay abreast with this trend, the social media giant Instagram introduced the feature of “reels”. Reels that align with your brand identity resonate with your target audience and boost engagement.

Let’s take a look at the ways to leverage Instagram Reels in 2024:

  1. Inspire With Storytelling

Create a narrative surrounding your brand by telling your story and building a meaningful connection with your audience. This, in turn, will boost their loyalty and foster a long-lasting association with your brand. You can narrate stories related to motivation, fitness, adopting healthy routines, etc., via 60-90 second reels to keep your viewers engaged and maximise reach.

Also Read:Top 10 Instagram Reels Editing Apps You Should Try

  • Join Trends

Leverage trends to stay in the limelight and go viral. This can dramatically boost your brand awareness and shoot up engagement. Trends can involve particular audio tracks, dance moves, selected filters, etc. You can look out for trends with the help of hashtags or locate them on the explore page of your Instagram and identify the ones that resonate the most with your brand niche. You can also create reels surrounding important days and events like #Christmas, #Summers, #Halloween, etc.

  • Create BTS (Behind-the-scene) and How-To Videos

Behind-the-scene videos actually give your audience a sneak peek into your daily activities and strengthen the emotional connection with your brand. BTS videos are an indispensable part of the reels marketing strategy as they attract potential customers and humanise your brand.

Also Read: 10 Best Apps To Download Instagram Videos (Android/iOS)

  • Revamp Old Content

Constantly coming up with new content can be challenging. Thus, repurposing your older videos and photos by customising them and ensuring they align with your brand is the key to keeping your social game on point. For instance, you can take clips from videos that you shared earlier, compile them into a reel and share it with your viewers. You can also share existing reels to IG stories using hashtags and widen your reach on the Instagram explore page.

  • User Generated Content

User Generated Content serves as a testament to the authenticity of your products/services. It multiplies the efficiency of your social media strategy and kickstarts conversations surrounding your brand. Making UGC a part of your marketing funnel by creating brand hashtag contests, resharing customer testimonials and collaborating with influencers is crucial for Instagram advertising.

About The Author

Kumkum Pattnaik
Kumkum's unparalleled love for gadgets is what drives her to research, scrutinize and pen down tech-related content from every corner of the world. Whether it is getting her hands on the latest electronic devices or reading voraciously to find what tech mammoths are up to, she makes sure that her inventory is up-to-date. View More Posts