Telegram, a well-known messaging service, has released a new update for its users. Features like Shareable chat folders, user backgrounds, and others are included in the upgrade.
The latest shareable chat update will permit users to invite friends and co-workers to several work groups, news channels cohorts, and more. A single tap would enable Telegram users to add the folder and instantly join all its chats.
According to a blog post from Telegram, users will be able to access different chats given that each chat folder supports multiple invite links. Users are allowed to add persons to any public chats as well as any chats where they have admin privileges. In instances where the admin adds more conversations to the folder and updates the link, members will get a recommendation to join the new chats. Users simply need to navigate to settings and click on “Chat Folders” in order to create a folder.
Besides this, the “Custom Wallpaper” feature addition to the latest upgrade of the app permits users to use their favourite images and colour schemes in certain chats to give talks extra flair and make them stand out. A special message will be delivered in the conversation once a user sets a wallpaper to enable the chat partner to add the same wallpaper on their side.
The latest update will provide users with Telegram bots which are equipped with the capability to host seamless web applications alongside providing services and utility to countless users. To utilise this feature, users can use a direct link or enter the bot’s username in the Telegram chat.
Another upgrade that is underway is the fast scrolling for attachments. To move through time, users need only drag down on the date bar. Additionally, users can now view read receipts for Topics in groups with fewer than 100 participants. The messaging app will also incorporate features like enhanced interface for “Send When Online”, group creation without instantly adding members to it and profile picture animations on latest iPhones.
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